Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have 10 outfits that I must finish by Friday-ish, but this is more important at this moment.

Today has been such a spirit-filled day for me. Friends are sick and need prayers. And I have been praying. It's been one of those constant-prayer days, while I thread the needle, while I sit and "watch" Charlotte's Web with the kids, while we play outside, while I check my email. I feel pulled to it, yearn for it, and it is awesome. My Bible study facilitator this morning suggested we text scripture to Jamie today, to keep from bothering her with phone calls at inopportune times but to let her see we are here, praying, and waiting with her for news. I used to be the person who would not do something so imposing as bother someone with a phone call or a text, because "they have plenty of other stuff to worry about." But after today I know it is a good idea. I sat down after putting the kids down for naps this afternoon, and sent Jamie the verse Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." I just heard news that Ava is turning a corner as of this afternoon, and Jamie commented to another friend it was very soon after I sent that message. Who knows if that was the turning point, but isn't God good? I am astounded. If my people pray, He says. It is such a tiny glimpse of the greatness of the God we serve. Just a taste. The Lord has been putting scripture on my heart throughout the day today too. (Thank goodness for Google, because I know the scriptures but the addresses always escape me. I'll have to work on that.) Tonight He gave me this:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good.." I couldn't recall the second half of the verse, and when I looked it up:

"Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8)

I have tasted and seen the Lord today.. and I know He is our refuge if we let Him be. Let Him!

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